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Servicing Mazda Electrical Systems: Starting and Charging Diagnostics

While it sounds obvious, the battery is often overlooked when dealing with an electrical problem. Actually, the battery should be more of a maintenance item than a repair issue. I have to think by now all successful import specialist shops are relying on maintenance work to keep their bays profitable. Checking and servicing the battery

Management: Reducing Risks and Premiums

All insurance premiums are based on the risks involved. Insurance companies evaluate the situation to determine the risk of potential loss that they will have to assume and base their rates on the results. Therefore, any steps that a shop owner or manager can take to lower their risks not only helps safeguard the business,

Diagnostic Dilemmas: Navigating OBD II Scan Tool Diagnostics

Although some hybrid OBD I/OBD II versions existed as early as 1994, the current version of OBD II was introduced in 1996. Because OBD II is a scan tool-based diagnostic system, diagnostic techs have become much more reliant upon the scan tool as a primary method of diagnosing malfunction indicator light (MIL) issues. In addition

This is a Great Time for the Brake Industry

As the editor of BRAKE & FRONT END, I make it a point to try out as many friction materials as possible. I have tried $20 pads, and expensive performance pads that can cost as much as $180 a set. I fint it amazing what a great set of brake pads or shoes can do

Seasonal Service

It’s that time of year again. Time to start promoting seasonal service checks. So before family hits the road for vacation with gas possibly hitting $3 per gallon, here are some service items that should be checked. TIRES Tires obviously play a very important role in safe driving because of their affect on traction, handling

Small Town Inc.

Dealing with City Hall: A Case Study

Volvo Service And Driveability: Ways to Simplify Repairs and Promote Maintenance

Keeping a record of scheduled maintenance and service repairs is probably the best selling feature when the time comes to trade or sell a vehicle. You know the type: They baby their car, and their friends and family want first dibs when they decide to sell it. In most cases, that level of upkeep is

Water Pumps: Why They Fail and When to Replace Them

If you’ve wondered how much work a water pump must do, remember that only about 30 percent of the heat energy produced by combustion results in mechanical energy. That estimate, of course, is a mathematical comparison between the heat value of the gasoline going into the engine, and the heat value of the mechanical energy

OBD II Diagnostics: Checking into Mode $06

In this scan tool diagnostics article, we take a look at Mode $06 functions which govern non-continuous monitors (EVAP, catalyst, EGR, etc.)

Understanding How a Battery Operates

In the automobile, the battery serves three main functions. First is the obvious. It supplies electrical power for the ignition system, starter, computer system and every other electrical component while the engine is not running (or any other instance when the alternator is not charging). Second, it serves as a reserve power source, should the